NAAC 'A+' Grade with CGPA 3.32 (Cycle - 1)
(A State Open University established by the Tamil Nadu Government ,
Recognised by UGC-DEB, Accorded with 12(B) status by UGC
Member in Asian Association of Open Universities and
Association of Commonwealth Universities)
Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) is an educational institution the Head Quarters located in Chennai city with an area of 2,14,839.54 Sq. Ft population of 500 including students, Research scholars and staff. The major environmental consumption resources including Water, Energy, Air, Land and associated biotic and abiotic resources in an ecosystem.
As a responsible of Tamil Nadu Open University, Environmental studies is a common compulsory two credit course in the part of curriculum for all branches of Under Graduate Programmes. Air, water, and soil samples are periodically assessed by the science students as part of their laboratory counseling sessions using standard protocols and observations/ finding were recorded in the record note. In addition, samples are collected and handed over to reputed environmental auditing agency for evaluation. The audit reports are critically analyzed and appropriate measured to be initiated from time to time. To provide the potable water, best quality air and renewable energy (predominantly solar) for the learners of the institution. HEI’s have a great role to play in promoting this concern for the environment and ecology.
TNOU clearly understands its responsibility of contributing to the national environmental sustainability by strictly implementing on campus activities that are in coherence with the environmental management system for educational institution.
The salient features of the University Policy are: I. The University strictly maintains the optimal use of all renewable and non renewable natural resources and avoids wastage.
II. Create awareness and maintain the quality of the natural resources for battement of human health.
III. In particularly create awareness and inculcate environmental consciousness among the stake holders to avoid pollution and abuse of natural resources. Policy Document for Green Campus
IV. Adoption of Green environmental practices like use of solar power, improve greenery in and around the campus, take care of biodiversity, avoid or minimize plastic use, maintain smoke free campus, rain water harvesting, solid waste management system, use of public transport, paperless campus and other eco friendly approaches.
V. Strictly adhere and adopted ‘three R’ (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)
VI. Create awareness and strengthen the eco-green consciousness among the stake holders of the University.
To maintain and further develop the green ambience of the Campus. To preserve the rich variety of flora and fauna in and around the habitat of TNOU. To conserve/ preserved the natural resources. To encourage wealth from solid and liquid waste initiatives. To create awareness on the need to grow more greenies and keep Campuses clean.
Implementation:1. Spaced buildings, well laid roads with trees and flowering bushes on either side.
2. Exercised tree planting as an on-going conservation and greening exercise.
3. In collaboration with Forest and the State Department of Agriculture agencies to promote green initiatives and organic farming.
4. The establishment of the compost yard and the vermin-composting pit.
5. Annual green audit to evaluate the environmental status of the Campus (Headquarters/ Regional centers). Policy Document for Green Campus
1.Better sanitation hygiene and health in Campus life.
2. A better Teaching learning environment.
3. Received Clean and Green campus awards.
4. Meaningful green and clean environment.
5. Preserved the nature
Co-Ordinator |
Dr.T.RavimanickamAssociate Professor TNOU |
Tamil Nadu Open University
No 577, Anna Salai, Saidapet,
Chennai - 600 015.